
Monday, December 26, 2011

Girl Prepper!

Ok, so I’m not a superhero prepper. But I aspire to be. The truth is, a year ago I didn’t know what a prepper was. I happened upon it by chance through coupon forums and then through youtube. Boy was I amazed. I guess we’ve become so conditioned towards our current lifestyle of consumerism and convenience that it had never occurred to me that people actually lived like this. Amazed, I began watching more and more videos and reading more and more blogs. Somehow it all made sense. I was even perturbed that it hadn’t occurred to me before.
Yes, that’s how we were meant to live. A life where we took responsibility for ourselves. A life where we could be more self-sufficient, know how to live without the helping hand of a power-grid, the convenience of Wal-Mart, or even the drive-thru if Wal-Mart was too inconvenient. Now don’t get me wrong. I’m not ready to schlep off my whole life and way of living but I was ready to begin to learn. I was ready to become a prepper.
It wasn’t long before I started sharing my new found knowledge with my husband. Now, he wasn’t quite as in the dark about things as I was. He has always kept up with politics, and world economics as well as other threats such as EMP’s and the possibility of terrorist attacks. He just didn’t realize that there was a whole community of people preparing for the possibility of these events. Once he did, prepping made as much sense to him as it did to me. In fact, I recall having a conversation with him not long afterwards about how could we have missed this?
It makes such common sense, why isn’t everyone doing this? Heck, a hundred years ago, everyone was. Only it was called life, not prepping. Have we become so spoiled to modern conveniences and so caught up in the rat race that we’ve all forgotten how to live? Quite possibly, I believe.
So join me in my new endeavor to learn how to live. I’m going to be doing lots of experiments in the future as I work to make our lives more self-sufficient. I’m learning how to can and working on growing a garden in soil impossible to grow in. I’ve started our food storage and will be working on my carry and conceal license. We also have 18 acres of raw mountain land that we will be developing into a retreat for our family. We plan to start clearing the land in the spring and will be building a small cabin on it ourselves. In other words, I have a lot of work to do and I hope to share it all here. I hope you’ll all join me!

 Thanks for stopping by!

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